patya analytics

Software provider for data preparation and analytics automation & Excel plugin provider
Entwicklung & Design
Garbage in, garbage out – meaningful analysis requires high quality data. Data preparation takes up to 75% of time in the process of data analysis. Our software helps to accelerate data cleaning and data integration by automation. Using state of the art machine learning techniques and fuzzy matching algorithms, we relieve analysts from manual data preparation. patya analytics helps you to make better decisions based on high quality data.

PrepJet Excel Plugin
PrepJet is an Excel plugin for automated data preparation for business analysts. PrepJet helps you to overcome complex and lengthy formulas when preparing data for analysis.

PrepJet Product & Marketing Data Cleaning API
PrepJet Automated Data Cleaning API helps your digital business to keep product and marketing data in a good quality – without any efforts. Coming soon: Sign up for beta now – it's free!

Our Technology
Partial automation
Our software is no black box. patya analytics detects and flags suspicious data entries such as outliers or duplicates that are not exactly equal. It is always the user who decides how to handle suspicious data.

Data optimization
The algorithms that we use to detect inconsistent data and fuzzy duplicates are optimized for the respective data type under investigation. In this way, we can ensure best results, high performance and scalability.

Learning system
Our technological approach is based on learning algorithms that improve with each data entry that is corrected...