Software & Entwicklung

TYPO3 Association Quarterly Report

This year’s general assembly of the TYPO3 Association that took place on March, 10th in Rüschlikon, Switzerland, indicated that all is going well with the project TYPO3 and the organisation that fosters it, the TYPO3 Association.

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There was an astounding number of 40 supporting members attending the meeting, their ranks having doubled over the past year. There is a definite trend of rising awareness of the need for a supporting organisation concerning open source projects matured to the size of TYPO3. Skepticism by some has now turned into trust since the Association has proven to be functioning quite well. Of course there is always a lot of room for improvement and we keep working hard to do even better. We are convinced that, as long as we keep focused on making the best CMS in the world first and foremost, the T3A can count on a broad base for support.

Event committee


The Event Committee [1] can already look back on one very successful event this year and the next one’s already in full swing. T3BOARD07, this year’s snowboard tour, did attract the maximum of 150 attendees in the official residence. The tour truly has become an amazing social event, one of few possibilities to meet people in real life who appear as screen names only throughout the rest of the year. In Kasper’s words: „I’m getting more and more amazed by what TYPO3 has offered so unexpectedly in terms of friendships and social relations! I hope you feel equally encouraged by sharing this week with like-minded people. I hope we all managed to inspire each other to share! Never let that spirit die, just look at what we created together!“ Together with the very luxurious rooms we had this year the only improvement that remains for next year is a programming lounge within the accommodation – and better food.

The second edition of our next international TYPO3 community event, the TYPO3 Developer Days (T3DD), has taken place from Thursday 26th to Sunday 29th April, 2007. Again, the location for the event has been the Berufsbildungszentrum Dietikon, near Zürich in Switzerland. The 5.0 team had organised four sessions:1) Introduction of the core package, 2) discussion of the general 5.0 core architecture, 3) demonstration and guide to play with the Content Repository and 4) a TypoScript 2.0 session. In smaller group sessions, extension programmers have shared their extensions with others and have discussed development methods and code examples. If you really want to be with the programming in-crowd of TYPO3 and bring your skills up to the highest level, the T3DD are THE event to attend (or to send your employees to).


Quality Control Committee

All the efforts of the Quality Control Committee [2] are now bundled around the Certification Team. Active T3A member Dominic Brander even left the Association’s board to put all his effort into the certification process. Although team members are spread over Europe they manage to organise a team meeting about every three months.


Currently, the types and levels of certification have been defined and the requirements for each variation have been outlined. The structure of the required certification organization and the different bodies it will contain has also been defined. The team is negotiating with several renowned service providers about delivering the world wide infrastructure and helping to translate our

effort into real life. Meanwhile, the team is also working on the content of the actual tests by creating an educational framework that sets the standard for the outline of the questions.


The Team’s kick-off target for individual certification on a basic level is set to October 2007. Certification for companies will be rolled out sometime in winter 2007/2008, when the first groups of developers will have been certified. This is due to the simple fact that having certified developers on your payroll will be mandatory for companies to get themselves certified. The Certification Team’s effort partly depends on donations so don’t hesitate if you want to make a contribution.

Research & Development Committee

Core / 4.x team

In 2007, one new version of TYPO3 has already seen the light, 4.1 plus maintenance subversion 4.1.1. The team [3], headed by new T3A active member Ingmar Schlecht, clearly stays focused on usability in every aspect of the system – the number one goal that has been set by the Development Team for all 4.x releases.
Where 4.0 mainly focused on improved usability on the editor level, version 4.1.0 clearly had a lot to deliver to system administrators and developers. The most eye-catching features were Inline Relational Record Editing (IRRE), AJAX Page and File Tree, command line based cleanup functions and an improved Extension Manager. Despite this focus, this version also had numerous other improvements, fixes and small feature additions that have made it a great improvement. The 4.x team now takes a well deserved rest till T3DD07. After this event, development of 4.2 will start with full force.

5.0 team

As good oldfashioned path finders, Robert Lemke and Karsten Dambekalns have spearheaded the development of the new to-be-built 5.0 core [4]. The team took about half a year to lay down the foundation for the 5.0 architecture, working out basic ideas and a raw blueprint. This meant lots of reading, studying, vivid discussions, programming code snippets as well as testing and trying out a new development kit in an eXtreme Programming environment. During T3BOARD07 they gave a first presentation of their ideas of the new core which, although already very much in depth and technical, resulted in a very positive response in the attending crowd.


One month later, the team met each other again in Berlin, for the first time in an extended formation of five with the addition of Christian Jul Jensen, Sebastian Kurfürst and Ronny Unger. The basics of the new core and the development methods used, like the new JSR-170 content repository, the layered Architecture, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Test Driven Development and Refactoring were discussed. Meanwhile, the team has also recruited Daniel Brün, an accomplished software architect to contribute to the refinement of the architecture.

As Karsten already pointed out: „It’s difficult to begin at zero when you have the broad functionality and flexibility of TYPO3 right before you.“ However, the team is making progress faster then they expected. TYPO3 5.0 should not only come with a clean code base – the development principles they want to establish are an equally important part. The 5.0 Development Team will stick to the continuous integration practice which promises less hassle with bugs and communication problems and avoids the big bang when it comes to integrating diverging code.

At T3DD07 [5] the team presented its accomplishments so far and discussed them with other TYPO3 developers in the four sessions mentioned above. This has led to interesting discussions in which every developer did have the chance to give input based on what the team had already achieved.


The TYPO3 Association likes to thank all its supporting members for their continued support in our combined effort to create a great open source CMS and stay ahead in both technology and usability.

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