You can reach decision-makers in the digital economy and Digital Pioneers with t3n’s diverse forms of advertising.

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You can reach decision-makers in the digital economy and Digital Pioneers with t3n’s diverse forms of advertising.

The leading publication of the digital economy

From Amiga veterans to Generation Z, from online retailers to techies and from creative workers to C-level decision-makers: Anyone who is living and working digitally reads t3n.

7,2 M.

Visits per month

in the last 12 months, according to IVW.


of the t3n users

contribute to purchasing decisions.


followers & subscribers

on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin & other channels.

The leading publication of the digital economy

From Amiga veterans to Generation Z, from online retailers to techies and from creative workers to C-level decision-makers: Anyone who is living and working digitally reads t3n.

9,21 M.

Visits per month

in the last 12 months, according to IVW.


of the t3n users

contribute to purchasing decisions.



on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin & other channels.


Place your content in the front row

With a BrandHub, you bundle your sponsored posts into a convincing topic special that presents you and your brand as a sustainable thought leader. This creates maximum awareness for your campaign. The premium format BrandHub is natively integrated into the t3n editorial environment and is ideally suited to cover complex marketing topics in the necessary depth.

  • Own microsite as a central point of contact.
  • Customised reach and duration.
  • Extensive check by content and SEO experts.
  • Continuous presence on all t3n online channels.


Place your content in the front row

With a BrandHub, you bundle your sponsored posts into a convincing topic special that presents you and your brand as a sustainable thought leader. This creates maximum awareness for your campaign. The premium format BrandHub is natively integrated into the t3n editorial environment and is ideally suited to cover complex marketing topics in the necessary depth.

  • Own microsite as a central point of contact.
  • Customised reach and duration.
  • Extensive check by content and SEO experts.
  • Continuous presence on all t3n online channels.

t3n Magazin

We love print – do you?

Present your brand in a sustainable way – with exclusive print ads, inserts or a sponsored article that skillfully fits into the editorial environment. The quarterly published t3n print magazine is the number 1 in the German-speaking world for fascinating new technologies, the web and digital business models.

  • Trustworthy and appreciated: on the market for over 15 years.
  • High level of awareness and appreciation.
  • Ideal combination for successful cross-media campaigns.
  • Loyal readership with almost 16,000 print subscriptions.


The best newsletters to promote your brand

No matter whether it’s the big „All you can read“, the t3n Weekly at the start of the week or any of the 10 themed newsletters: Newsletter ads enable you to find and reach the best target group for your brand in no time.

  • Direct target group approach for effective lead generation.
  • Optimal advertising impact thanks to native integration.
  • High interaction and low wastage due to optimal segmentation
  • Professional support, consulting and reporting by our ad operations team.


The best newsletters to promote your brand

No matter whether it’s the big „All you can read“, the t3n Weekly at the start of the week or any of the 10 themed newsletters: Newsletter ads enable you to find and reach the best target group for your brand in no time.

  • Direct target group approach for effective lead generation.
  • Optimal advertising impact thanks to native integration.
  • High interaction and low wastage due to optimal segmentation
  • Professional support, consulting and reporting by our ad operations team.


Make your event a success – whether offline or digital

Promote your event on t3n’s popular and wide-reaching channels – if desired, premium features such as prominent placement in the print magazine can be added.

  • Innovation-open, tech- and event-savvy target group.
  • Distribution via various social media channels.
  • Image transfer through logo featuring. 
  • Free t3n magazine for events on request


Make your event a success – whether offline or digital

Promote your event on t3n’s popular and wide-reaching channels – if desired, premium features such as prominent placement in the print magazine can be added.

  • Innovation-open, tech- and event-savvy target group.
  • Distribution via various social media channels.
  • Image transfer through logo featuring. 
  • Free t3n magazine for events on request


Become the employer people love

Present your company as an authentic and progressive employer and retain your employees in the long term – with an individually developed employer branding campaign at t3n.

  • Highlight strengths and special features.
  • Present yourself as an attractive employer.
  • Increase awareness and reach.
  • Find and retain motivated employees.
Employer Branding
Employer Branding


Become the employer people love

Present your company as an authentic and progressive employer and retain your employees in the long term – with an individually developed employer branding campaign at t3n.

  • Highlight strengths and special features.
  • Present yourself as an attractive employer.
  • Increase awareness and reach.
  • Find and retain motivated employees.


Give your message a voice that will be heard

There is hardly any other medium besides podcasts where advertising messages have a higher level of acceptance. The strong brand loyalty of the listeners builds trust and often leads to a quick response to the advertising message.

  • Simple briefing and high flexibility in creation.
  • Production with professional speakers.
  • High reach thanks to distribution on and social media platforms.
  • Effects of advertising are measurable quickly and immediately.


Give your message a voice that will be heard

There is hardly any other medium besides podcasts where advertising messages have a higher level of acceptance. The strong brand loyalty of the listeners builds trust and often leads to a quick response to the advertising message.

  • Simple briefing and high flexibility in creation.
  • Production with professional speakers.
  • High reach thanks to distribution on and social media platforms.
  • Effects of advertising are measurable quickly and immediately.

Media kit

Would you like to find out more? In the media kit you will find all the figures, data and facts about the advertising formats at t3n.

Download Media kit now

Media kit

Would you like to find out more? In the media kit you will find all the figures, data and facts about the advertising formats at t3n.

Download Media kit now

Brands, that rely on t3n

Freddy VW

„Employer-Branding braucht einen Ort, an dem wir unser Storytelling wirksam umsetzen und passgenau an die Zielgruppe ausliefern können. t3n bietet uns diesen Ort. Wir schätzen es, hier unseren bewerbungsrelevanten Content exklusiv zu platzieren und damit Aufmerksamkeit für offene Vakanzen von den genau richtigen Menschen zu erhalten.“

- Freddy Scarcella, Referent Online Marketing, Volkswagen Group Services GmbH | Recruiting


Wer in der Finanz- und Fintech-Welt up to date sein möchte, der ist bei t3n genau richtig. In der sich stetig wandelnden Finanzbranche ist eine offene und technikaffine Community von hohem Wert – und genau die bietet t3n, online wie offline.

- Sarah Bardaux, Online Markerting Manager, sevDesk


Die Welt des digitalen Handels ändert sich ständig und so auch die relevanten Branchenthemen. Dabei bringt t3n die wirklich wichtigen Themen des E-Commerce-Kosmos auf den Punkt – und gibt uns gleichzeitig Raum, um unsere innovativen E-Commerce-Lösungen zu präsentieren.

- Wiljo Krechtling, Manager Public Relations, Shopware

Starkes Marketing für deine Brand

Online advertising and more at t3n

Use the entire reach of the platform for digital pioneers with the versatile advertising formats of t3n. Whether an ad in the print magazine, native newsletter content or an advertising slot in the podcast: You are guaranteed to reach t3n's tech- and digitally-affine target group!

Are you thinking about how you can achieve the greatest possible impact with a print ad and which formats are best suited for this? We'll be happy to help you and your company and take your marketing to the next level - regardless of whether your target group is IT decision-makers, freelancers, self-employed people, agile companies and start-ups or employees from the digital industry.

With us, designing and placing ads is easy! You discuss the effect and all the possibilities of online advertising directly with our experts. Generate conversions, collect leads or increase awareness? Your goals are in good hands with us, the leading medium for the digital economy. With over 15 years of experience in the publishing and media industry, we know all about strong branding.

You can find an overview of all advertising media and formats in our media data. If we are currently offering discounts, promotions or voucher codes on certain media, you can find out by contacting us directly. We look forward to hearing from you!


Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected and clarified the most common questions in our FAQ. If you still have something to ask, please contact us at any time at

1. Where can I find the prices of the advertising media?
You can find all list prices in our media data. Are you interested in a cooperation? Contact us - there are often special offers and discounts!

2. When will my formats be played?
After a booking, our ad operations team will work closely with you to ensure that the advertising content is integrated in a way that suits you. You are in good hands with them: They will advise you on the concept, discuss the requirements for the content, work with you to determine timeframes and deadlines, and also provide you with reliable support during and after the playout. In this way, your advertising media will start off with the best conditions.

3. Which advertising format suits my brand best and promises the most success?
The choice of the perfect advertising medium depends entirely on your wishes and goals! You want to increase your conversions, generate leads or start an awareness campaign? No problem, our experienced sales team will give you expert advice and work with you to find the right format.


Get in touch now

Hagen Pfennigstorf

Chief Revenue Officer

0511 - 165944 - 15

Grischa Hengst

Junior Sales Manager

0511 - 165 944 - 39

Emely Alms

Junior Sales Managerin

0511 - 165 944 - 27

Jasper Rohloff

Junior Key Account Manager

0511 - 165 944 - 57

Roy Marfo

Team-Lead Ad-Management


Get in touch now

Hagen Pfennigstorf

Chief Revenue Officer

0511 - 165944 - 15

Grischa Hengst

Junior Sales Manager

0511 - 165 944 - 39

Emely Alms

Junior Sales Managerin

0511 - 165 944 - 27

Jasper Rohloff

Junior Key Account Manager

0511 - 165 944 - 57

Roy Marfo

Team-Lead Ad-Management

Network agencies interested in online formats should contact:

Business Advertising GmbH

Tersteegenstraße 30
40474 Düsseldorf
0211 - 179 347 - 50