
TYPO3 Association Activity Report

Quality Control Committee Certification will lead to a new standard in TYPO3 development. With a certification scheme enabling agencies to prove the quality of their services to customers, the general trust in TYPO3 solutions will increase greatly. The nine person team responsible for the setup of this scheme will initially meet in Germany on August 7th-8th, discussing and further substantiating their plans. Details about the certification process and the members of the certification team can be found on the Association Website:

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Event Committee

The TYPO3 Conference
2006 (T3CON06) is in the last phases of planning. The call for papers
resulted in 22 talks and four tutorials. The final schedule is out
and should help participants to book their flights. Thanks to relentless negotiations with the hosting hotel, the event
committee could maintain last year’s price level for attendees. The official registration period has
started on August 1st . Be prepared to book your spot
early, as the T3DD registration has shown how quickly all spots can be


The event committee has fixed the dates and location for the next and sixth overall Snowboard Tour. The TYPO3 Snowboard Tour Vol. VI will take place in Les Deux-Alpes, France from 27th of January to 3rd of Febuary 2007. Les Deux-Alpes is a large high-altitude ski resort offering all kinds of challenges and opportunities for having fun on and off your snowboard. Pricing information and details about accomodation is available on the T3BOARD-Webpage. Online Registration starts on September 15th.

R&D Committee

Members of the R&D Committee have
held a meeting in Berlin at the end of May, discussing the roadmap of
TYPO3. The main focus lay on organizing the
development of the 4.x and 5.x series of TYPO3 in parallel, keeping
the 4.x branch up-to-date while paving the way for 5.0.


Another key issue has been the
structure of teams and development: Kasper has initiated the „TYPO3
genome project“, which will lead to a more transparent structure
and clearly defined authorities and responsibilties of each team,
enabling them to work more autonomously, thereby avoiding
bottlenecks. During summer, the R&D committee
has been focused on making the TYPO3 Developer Days happen. 100
developers have met in Switzerland to learn, explore and play around
with new ideas. This event has enhanced the collaboration between
TYPO3 developers sharing and improving their knowledge, ultimately
benefitting not only themselves, but the TYPO3 project in general. Brainstorming sessions on 4.x, 5.x and
the Human Computer Interface (HCI) have also been a vital factor in the
process of shaping the future of TYPO3.


Think future, not feature – your T3A-Team

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